About our Mission

Mike Krom
I started as an expert in the cloud business by working for Microsoft. Advising multinationals worldwide about their cloud usage. To share my knowledge to a larger audience, I had to automate my own work. With our current team we are able to reach companies around the world.
Nowadays you can have subscriptions on any kind of services from office space, to streaming services to social media and websites.
I always feel some kind of annoyance when I discover I have been paying months for services I did not use anymore. It is like losing your money in an evil shredder.
You could easily control these sleeping subscriptions by automatically stopping these upon inactivity.
Our company, CloudSandboxes, is specialized in managing cloud-subscriptions. We help companies to get their cloud-costs under control.
Our unique application stops inactive cloud-subscriptions automatically, without any popups, confirmation emails or other notifications which demand your attention.